Rules and regulations

Rules and regulations

Version of 25-12.2023 subject to update (see the internal regulations posted at the Domaine).

Article 1. General principle

You’re in a private, high-quality, quiet, family-friendly residential area, a natural setting that needs to be preserved.

Any person who refuses to respect this spirit and contravenes these rules, by any act whatsoever (noise, pollution, etc.), will be asked to leave the premises immediately and obliged to pay all costs and fines related to their nuisance, or even be expelled from the Domaine with immediate termination of their contract in the most serious cases. The general interest and the quality of the site determine these rules of living together.

These rules apply to everyone: travelers, owners, workers, visitors!

Article 2. Occupancy & use

Access and keys


Traffic on the estate – Luggage unloading/unloading at arrival/departure times

Parking: dedicated space

Electric cars: currently no charging on the estate!


Article 3. Life rules

Dress code

Noise pollution

Fire and barbecue



Weapons and drugs

Article 4. Complaints & Penalties

All complaints regarding inconveniences of any kind, observations and suggestions should be made by e-mail to or on plain paper attested and signed by the declarant and handed in at reception.

In the event of non-compliance with these rules, residents will be asked to modify their behaviour.

In the event of serious misconduct, the tenant’s lease or stay may not be renewed, or may even be shortened. The tenant will have to cover the cost of restoring the property and/or pay a fine, the amount of which will be determined by the manager according to the seriousness of the offence.